Cellulite & Body Contouring

Cellulite & Body Contouring

If cellulite bothers you, you are not alone. As fat cells accumulate, they push up against the skin, while the long, tough cords pull down. This creates an uneven surface or dimpling. Hormonal factors play a large role in the development of cellulite. We cannot control the impact of hormones but we can help smooth and reduce the appearance of cellulite. Book a consult with one of our body contouring specialists and discuss how our state of the art treatments can help.


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Cellulite Treatment Solutions

March 4, 2024
You only have one body, love the one you’re in. As we get older, our bodies naturally start to produce less collagen and store more fat, leading to a greater chance of wrinkles, sagging skin, and even cellulite. The Venus Legacy is designed to tighten the skin by stimulating collagen production. It does so with the heat it generates and delivers to the skin and fat layers. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. One of its primary roles is to provide structure to the skin, keeping it tight and firm. Unfortunately, the body’s collagen production decreases by about 1% per year. This is why it’s natural for the skin to become loose over time. The toll of gravity then exacerbates the effects, pulling the skin down and making it sag. Body Contouring helps counter those effects by inducing collagen production. It can also boost blood circulation while causing the skin to contract. These actions can then help make the skin look plumper and even thicker. Tighter Skin, happier you!
February 29, 2024
Morpheus8 is a skin tightening, anti-aging treatment that helps address some of the more common signs of aging, including complexion issues, fine lines and wrinkles, and skin laxity.
February 29, 2024
BodyFX is a non-invasive treatment that delivers radio frequency energy, improving blood circulation and dispersing heat to the deep tissue. Negative pressure is used to attach skin to the RF electrodes to create uniform heating over the dermis and subdermal layers. Patients love the results!

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