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Diode Laser hair removal

If your current hair removal techniques have left you with ingrown hair, red bumps and cuts; we offer the long term solution of Laser Hair Removal.

We use a Diode Laser Hair Removal System that involves a beam of laser light directed at the hair follicle in the skin.  Because the Laser is attracted to dark pigment, the hair colour needs to be brown or black, it will not work on white, blonde, grey or red hair colour. The pigment in the follicle absorbs the laser energy and converted to heat thus destroying it at the root. The Laser is directed at the follicles while at the same time protecting the surrounding skin from harm.

How to prepare for Laser Hair Removal Treatment:

  • Before you have a treatment done, there are a few things you need to do, such as:
  • The treatment area must be shaved 24 hours prior to appointment.
  • Avoid makeup, deodorant, or moisturizer in the treatment area
  • Do not use any self tanner products 4 weeks prior to treatment
  • No waxing, tweezing or threading of treatment area 4 weeks prior to treatment

Post Care:

You may notice some redness and small bumps after laser hair removal.  That is perfectly normal.  Irritation can be soothed using a cold compress.  Please no ice packs, the extreme cold can cause skin damage.

Wear sunscreen after your treatment.   You can get an uneven tan or burn with sun exposure after a treatment.

Keep the area clean.   You can wash the treated area with mild soap.  Always ensure that you are pat drying and not rubbing it dry.  Do not apply any moisturizer, lotion, deodorant or makeup in the area for the first 24 hours.

Dead hairs will shed.  You can expect dead hairs to be shed from the area within 5-30 days from treatment date.

Exfoliate regularly.  As the dead hairs begin to shed, use a washcloth when washing the area and shave to get rid of the hairs pushing their way out of the follicles.


Is Diode Laser Hair Removal Effective?

Diode laser hair removal is an effective treatment. Many patients will find that their hair is removed long-term. The diode laser hair removal involves minimal discomfort.

Is Diode Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Diode laser hair removal can be permanent following a course of treatment customized to your needs and hair type.  It is important to understand that normal hair growth goes through several stages: Anagen (growth), Catagen ( resting)  and Telegen ( dormant or shedding).  The laser picks up the colour of the hair and heats it to kill it in the active anagen or growing phase only. 

Since not all hair is in a growth or anagen phase at the same time, it may be necessary to revisit certain treatment areas to permanently remove hair.

Once hair has been completely removed from areas of the body, it will only grow back under very rare circumstances such as a significant hormonal change.

How Many Treatments Are Needed for Laser Hair Removal?

The number of laser hair treatments you should schedule depends on the area that needs to be treated. In most cases, very significant results can be seen in 3-5 treatments. It may be necessary to have 7-10 treatments at different times for complete and permanent removal.

Is There Any Side Effect to Laser Hair Removal?

When laser hair removal is done correctly, the risk of side effects is extremely low. Our experienced  practitioners customize the laser settings to your complexion and to the area of the body being treated.

In most cases, patients undergoing laser hair removal on the face or neck area will notice a sun burn like reaction.  There may or may not be slight swelling.  We ask you to avoid makeup until your skin returns to a normal temperature, usually within 1-24 hours.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe on the Face?

Laser hair removal is extremely safe for facial areas. The laser pulse used on the face is much gentler than the pulse used in other areas of the body where the skin is thicker. If you feel uncomfortable or feel like the treatment is too hot, the strength of the laser can be adjusted immediately.

Does Laser Hair Removal Stimulate Regrowth of Hair?

Hair follicles targeted by the diode laser are permanently gone, preventing future growth associated with that follicle. No form of treatment or stimulation in the future will bring back a follicle that has been appropriately and completely treated.


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